All-Star Coach Registration Form


Congratulations on being selected to participate in the 2022 Maine McDonald’s High School Senior All-Star Basketball Games! Please complete this registration form by February 11, 2022. All coaches must submit a form.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the registration form, please contact Kaitlyn at or 207-780-6282.

  • General Information

    Please provide responses as you would like them to appear in the event program.
  • Please provide your name as you would like it to be appear in the event program.
  • Coaching Information

  • Bio

    Please provide answers as you would like them to appear in the event program.
  • Event Program Picture

  • Please attach a headshot to be used in the event program, preferably featuring shoulders and up. The picture can be basketball or non-basketball related.
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Event Consent

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY