This year, First American Title Insurance Company has chosen to support Ronald McDonald House Charities of Maine (RMHC Maine) and their Ronald McDonald House programs in Bangor and Portland.
Since 1983, RMHC Maine has been a place of comfort, care, hope and compassion for thousands of families on the medical journey of their child’s illness. Up to 35 families per night from across Maine and northern New Hampshire, who must travel long distances for quality medical care for their child, find a home away from home at the Bangor and Portland Houses.
Last year, 7,007 nights were provided to 570 families with 12 nights as the average length of stay and the longest stay 152 nights. The cost of a family’s one-night stay at the House is $75; however, families are asked to contribute only $10 per night towards their stay. Over 70% of those families were unable to contribute due to mounting medical bills. No family is turned away due to inability to pay, ever.
Donate TODAY and your gift will mean that when a sick child wakes, his mom can be there to hold his hand. Dad can be there to give a good-night hug. Brothers and sisters can be nearby to play and do the things families do, which is mostly just making that child feel loved.